Mapungubwe National Park

I recently came back from a trip to Mapungubwe National Park, which is also a heritage site holding the history of the people who lived before us over thousands of years ago. I really enjoyed my time there with my family. I got to experience the most stunning view on Mapungubwe hill where the royals... Continue Reading →

Cupcakes VS Muffins

Cupcakes and muffins, both are delicious treats in their own right. Some people fancy themselves a cupcake more than a muffin and vice versa. But what are the differences between the two and which could be considered better? My presentation will attempt to shed some light on this matter. Let us begin with the cupcake.... Continue Reading →

Notice: Hiatus due to exam

Hey, everyone. Again, sorry for not being so active on my site. I am stuck preparing myself for the upcoming examinations. I can't let myself go into them without a plan. My time management skills aren't so great since I could do something in my breaks but i just find myself mentally and physically fatigued... Continue Reading →

Good or Evil?

"There is no good in this world" "There is no evil in this world" Two different views but which is true?Is there such a thing as a world without evil? A world were nothing but joy and love rule over the lands. Cheerful smiles that radiate from the faces of every soul. A world without... Continue Reading →

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